martes, 27 de agosto de 2013


Name: Angel Urbano
Period: 7
FOA Reflection Form

This form must be completed and handed in no later than the class immediately following the FOA.  Please note that this form must be kept on file for the IB.  Please complete this legibly and carefully.
This FOA was my (circle one): first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth
I worked (circle one):
·       With a group (maximum 4)(Group Members: Taylor, and Javier.

Language and Mass Communication Topic: Social Media
Text type(s) Focus:  Speech
Number of Text Types YOU used in the activity: 1
Type of Activity (Circle one):

· Structured Group Discussion

Describe in detail how you feel the activity went:
I think the activity did not go very well. We never rehearsed the discussion, making the presentation very disorganized. I skipped various parts of what I was supposed to talk about, due to the fact that I was not prepared. Finally, not only was my eye contact poor, but I also had little hand gestures making my usage of presentation techniques reduced.

If you were working with a partner or a group, comment on the success of your collaboration:
Our collaboration was far from successful. We divided the work in three, each focusing on a certain topic. We got all of our information together the day before the presentation, leaving us no time to practice what we were going to say. I felt that our presentation was not fluent. There was a moment in which rather than listening to each other and then speaking, we were just delivering what we each had researched.
Name three specific changes that you will make to improve on your next FOA
1.    Know what I will say.
2.    Have a more in depth analysis of the speech.
3.    Show a video with part of the speech.

Teacher’s Assessment
Activity Start Time: _____________                          Activity End Time: ______________
Did the student participate 8 to 10 minutes?  Yes__ No__ Comment: _______________
Criterion A:
___/ 10

Criterion B:
___/ 10

Criterion C:
___/ 5

Criterion D:
___/ 5

Total Score
___/ 30
                                        ___/ 7
General Comments:






sábado, 24 de agosto de 2013

Nancy Duarte Speech Notes

  • Nancy Duarte talks about the importance of the speech and structures of what a great speech looks like.
  •  Persons must share their ideas through speeches.
  •  Presentations have the power to change the world.

  •        The shape of a great speech is shown by her graphs.
    ·      Steve Jobs.
    ·      Martin Luther King

     All the great speeches posses this shape.
  • The bottom part is hen the speaker talks about what is the present and the upper part talks about what could be the future. 
  • An idea that you have of changing the world is sometimes hard for people to accept. They might like the way the world is.(It is why you have to move back and forth between what is and what could be).
  • The last point is where the speaker invites the audience to take action.
  • It is very important that the audience physically reacts(laugh) so that the speaker knows he has them engaged.
  • A master speaker can carry out his speech in any condition. For example, Steve Jobs delivers his speech even though his clicker broke.
  • Metaphors are an important resource used by Luther king.
  • She talks about her own experience. Even though, she had a hard life, she is sharing her ideas with the world and trying to change it.